The Event StoryBoard canvas (#ESB) is the first tool to bring storyboarding to event design!
Using simple techniques it enables events to flow like a story in just 5 steps.
Learn how to design storytelling events easier, faster and more visual during our Event Storyboard canvas workshops. You will learn how to work with the Event StoryBoard canvas and receive an official ESB certification based on the workshop you followed. Book now and join this new approach to event design!
1 facilitator for 1 day
2 facilitators for 1 day
Learn to use the ESB with clients
Invite up to 10 more people to your workshop with an extra facilitator!
* All prices excl. of VAT, travel and accommodation
Event StoryBoard canvas
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Martijn Timmermans: +31 624 99 4481
Tim Corporaal: +31 655 51 7741